A tour of mrcal: optimal choreography


Optimal choreography

Now that we know how to measure calibration quality and what to look for, we can run some studies to figure out what makes a good chessboard dance. These are all computed by the analyses/dancing/dance-study.py tool. It generates synthetic data, scans a parameter, and produces the uncertainty-vs-range curves at the imager center to visualize the effect of that parameter.

I run all of these studies using the LENSMODEL_OPENCV8 model computed above. It computes faster than the splined model, and qualitatively produces similar results.

How many chessboard observations should we get?

dance-study.py                   \
  --scan Nframes                 \
  --Ncameras 1                   \
  --Nframes 20,200               \
  --range 0.5                    \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2 \
  --ymax 1                       \


Here I'm running a monocular solve that looks at chessboards ~ 0.5m away, scanning the frame count from 20 to 200.

The horizontal dashed line is the uncertainty of the input noise observations. Looks like we can usually do much better than that. The vertical dashed line is the mean distance where we observed the chessboards. Looks like the sweet spot is a bit past that.

And it looks like more observations is always better, but we reach the point of diminishing returns at ~ 100 frames.

OK. How close should the chessboards be?

dance-study.py                   \
  --scan range                   \
  --Ncameras 1                   \
  --Nframes 100                  \
  --range 0.4,10                 \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2 \


This effect is dramatic: we want closeups. Anything else is a waste of time. Here we have two vertical dashed lines, indicating the minimum and maximum ranges I'm scanning. And we can see that the sweet spot moves further back as we move the chessboards back.

Alrighty. Should the chessboards be shown head-on, or should they be tilted?

dance-study.py                         \
  --scan tilt_radius                   \
  --tilt-radius 0,80                   \
  --Ncameras 1                         \
  --Nframes 100                        \
  --range 0.5                          \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2       \
  --ymax 2                             \
  --uncertainty-at-range-sampled-max 5 \


The head-on views (tilt = 0) produce quite poor results. And we get more and more confidence with more board tilt, with diminishing returns at about 45 degrees.

We now know that we want closeups and we want tilted views. This makes intuitive sense: a tilted close-up view is the best-possible view to tell the solver whether the size of particular imaged chessboard is caused by the focal length of the lens or by the distance of the observation to the camera. The worst-possible observations for this are head-on far-away views. Given such observations, moving the board forward/backward and changing the focal length have a very similar effect on the observed pixels.

Also this clearly tells us that chessboards are the way to go, and a calibration object that contains a grid of circles will work badly. Circle grids work either by finding the centroid of each circle "blob" or by fitting a curve to the circle edge to infer the location of the center. A circle viewed from a tilted closeup will appear lopsided, so we have a choice of suffering a bias from imprecise circle detections or getting poor uncertainties from insufficient tilt. Extra effort can be expended to improve this situation to make circle grids usable, or chessboards can be used.

Moving on. Often we want to calibrate multiple cameras, and we are free to do one N-way calibration or N separate monocular calibrations or anything in-between. The former has more constraints, so presumably that would produce less uncertainty. How much?

I'm processing the same calibration geometry, varying the number of cameras from 1 to 8. The cameras are all in the same physical location, so they're all seeing the same thing (modulo the noise), but the solves have different numbers of parameters and constraints.

dance-study.py                          \
  --scan Ncameras                       \
  --Ncameras 1,8                        \
  --camera-spacing 0                    \
  --Nframes 100                         \
  --range 0.5                           \
  --ymax 0.4                            \
  --uncertainty-at-range-sampled-max 10 \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2        \


Clearly there's a benefit to more cameras. After about 4, we hit diminishing returns.

That's great. We now know how to dance given a particular chessboard. But what kind of chessboard do we want? mrcal assumes a chessboard being an evenly-spaced planar grid with any number of points and any spacing.

Let's examine the point counts. We expect that adding more points to a chessboard of the same size would produce better results, since we would have strictly more data to work with. This expectation is correct:

dance-study.py                          \
  --scan object_width_n                 \
  --range 2                             \
  --Ncameras 1                          \
  --Nframes 100                         \
  --object-width-n 5,30                 \
  --uncertainty-at-range-sampled-max 30 \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2        \


Here we varied object-width-n, but also adjusted object-spacing to keep the chessboard size the same.

What if we leave the point counts alone, but vary the spacing? As we increase the point spacing, the board grows in size, spanning more and more of the imager. We expect this would improve things:

dance-study.py                   \
  --scan object_spacing          \
  --range 2                      \
  --Ncameras 1                   \
  --Nframes 100                  \
  --object-spacing 0.04,0.20     \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2 \


And it does. At the same range, a bigger chessboard is better.

Finally, what if we increase the spacing (and thus the board size), but also move the board back to compensate, so the apparent size of the chessboard stays the same? I.e. do we want a giant board far away or a tiny board really close in?

dance-study.py                                     \
  --scan object_spacing                            \
  --scan-object-spacing-compensate-range-from 0.04 \
  --range 2                                        \
  --Ncameras 1                                     \
  --Nframes 100                                    \
  --object-spacing 0.04,0.20                       \
  --ymax 20                                        \
  --uncertainty-at-range-sampled-max 200           \
  --observed-pixel-uncertainty 2                   \


Looks like the optimal uncertainty is the same in all cases, but tracks the moving range. The uncertainty at infinity is better for smaller boards closer to the camera. This is expected: tilted closeups span a bigger set of relative ranges to the camera.


  • More frames are good
  • Closeups are extremely important
  • Tilted views are good
  • A smaller number of bigger calibration problems is good
  • More chessboard corners is good, as long as the detector can find them reliably
  • Tiny chessboards near the camera are better than giant far-off chessboards. As long as the camera can keep the chessboards and the working objects in focus


None of these are surprising, but it's good to see the effects directly from the data. And we now know exactly how much value we get out of each additional observation or an extra little bit of board tilt or some extra chessboard corners.

Before moving on, I should stress that the results presented here represent a particular scenario using a LENSMODEL_OPENCV8 lens, and produce clear rules of thumb. For a specific lens and geometry, rerun these studies for your use cases.
